Here we have explained below distance of Delhi to Nainital. The distance is usually 302 kilometers and generally takes anywhere from 6 hours to 7 hours in order to reach Nainital incase if you are travelling from Delhi. This is the preffered distance and time taken if you are travelling to Nainital by road. The route from Delhi to Nainital follows the route from Delhi to Ghaziabad then to Rajabpur following Rajabpur next stop is Haldwani and then Nainital. To know complete route guide you can refer the below map.
Nainital Location: Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun to Nainital Map
If you want to travel to Nainital from Dehradun then you need to first reach out to Dehradun Airport ( if you are travelling from outside of Dehradun ) which is also known as Jolly Grant Airport. From Dehradun Airport you can take Taxi or cab service and then you can reach out to Nainital in somewhere around 6 hours to 7 hours and the distance is usually 268 kilometers. Route from Dehradun to Nainital follows the route pattern of Dehradun to Haridwar first then from Haridwar next stop will be Kotdwar and then Kashipur and after Kashipur next stop will be at Haldwani then Nainital. To know complete route guide you can refer the below map.
Nainital Location: Haridwar to Nainital Map
If you want to travel to Nainital from Haridwar then this can be your choice. In order to travel from Haridwar to Nainital the distance is usually 242 kilometers and the time it can take somewhere around 5 hours to 6 hours. Route from Haridwar to Nainital first reaches out to Kotdwar and then Kashipur and then after Kashipur next stop is at Haldwani then Nainital. To know more complete route guide you can check the below map.